You can issue LIST DB DIRECTORY and LIST NODE DIRECTORY commands in DB2 LUW to enquire about cataloged databases and nodes respectively. 在DB2LUW中,您可以发出LISTDBDIRECTORY和LISTNODEDIRECTORY命令来分别查询已编写目录的数据库和节点。
User greg's home directory has read and execute permission for members of the development group, so users tom and ian can list the directory. 用户greg的主目录有development组成员的读和写权限,因此用户tom和ian能够列出目录。
Irregular membership list and directory available free of charge. 可免费提供不定期出版会员名录,目录。
The script is passed the index of the file the user wants to expand, so it has to list the directory again and get the appropriate file name. 该脚本传递用户希望展开的文件的索引,因此必须在此列出目录并获得适当的文件名。
Be aware that if you list a directory name under % files, RPM includes every file under that directory. 请注意,如果在%files下列出一个目录名称,RPM将包含该目录下的每个文件。