The mountain farmer brothers, possibly all did not know also this kind of question to discuss. 大山里的农民兄弟,可能都不知道还有此类问题需要讨论。
The above-said climbing Kunlun mountain should imply the Kunlun in the mythology which kunlun mountain should be denoted the brothers and sisters of God Fuxi by means of analysis of Chinese Classic Literal Character structure and the information of West Hunan myth. 从古文字结构和先秦时期湘西之濮神话信息分析,上述登昆仑应指神话学中的昆仑,神话中的昆仑山神应指伏羲兄妹。
Meanwhile the heavy rains have caused the mountain to landslide, and the Juarez brothers were carried off into the gorge as they slept. 这段时间内,大雨已经造成山体滑坡,华兰兹兄弟睡觉时被冲进了峡谷。