There is another new website traffic analytics tool which has just recently unveiled its public beta namely BLVD Status. 还有一个新的网站流量分析工具,它最近刚刚推出了公共测试版即大道状态。
MOG's first public beta, or test version, came out about a year and a half ago. MOG首个公开发行的beta版是大约一年半以前面世的。
Finally, Adobe released a public beta of CoCoMo, a platform as a service allowing developers to add real-time social capabilities into Web applications via " cloud " computing. 最后,Adobe发布了CoCoMo的公测版,CoCoMo是平台即服务(platformasaservice)的一个实现,使开发者可以借助于“云”计算将实时的社会功能加到Web应用中。
I became aware of the conference at about the time of the2004 event, which happened to be the one where Flickr launched their public beta. 我是在2004年的活动之时了解这个会议的,在那次活动中,Flickr发布了他们的公共beta。
BC3 public beta does not currently support multiple sheets. bc3公开测试版(PB),目前不支持多个工作表。