Applications and Protection of Geographical Indication(GI) Products Were Actively Carried Out. 七是积极开展地理标志(GI)产品的申报和保护工作。
The issue has arisen in the specific context of Parmesan cheese, but any Codex quality standard for products with a geographical indication depends on how this issue is resolved. 在Parmesan干奶酪的特定情况中产生了该问题,但食典委对具有地理标志(GI)产品的任何质量标准都将取决于这一问题如何得以解决。
The Value and Mechanism of Geographical Indication(GI) in the Protection of Marked Traditional Resources 论传统标记性资源保护的地理标志(GI)制度价值与机制
Analysis on the Marks of Origin and Geographical Indication(GI) and Some Relevant Concepts 浅析原产地标记和地理标志(GI)及其相关概念
Problems and Countermeasures for Geographical Indication(GI) Protection in China 中国地理标志(GI)保护面临的问题与对策