For example, you can use the custom element to store comments within the report. 例如,可以使用custom元素在报表中存储注释。
Or to use the appropriate terminology, how a parser can produce a custom element * in this case our AST objects. 用适当的术语来说就是解析器如何才能产生一个定制的元素(在这里,就是AST对象)。
With shadow trees, the only thing that remains in the document tree is your custom element and nothing else. 有了影像树之后,文档树中剩下的唯一一样东西就是您的定制元素,除此以外别无他物。
If you find that you can't do what you need with the standard tools, ask yourself if you can do what you need with a custom code element. 如果您发现用标准工具您不能做您需要做的,那么问问您自己您是否可以使用定制代码元素做您需要做的。
Provide graphic library to support custom graphic element reuse, which is design by user interface, for achieving a more vivid picture of the monitor. 同时提供用户自定义图元接口,并实现图库支持自定义图元的重复使用,用以实现更加生动灵活的监控画面。