I see him still at work when I go home from club, and he is at work again before his neighbors are out of bed. 当我从俱乐部回家时,我看见他还在工作,第二天在他的邻居们还没有起身前他又在工作了。
My second question would be Steve, and your club, because it is called Home Brew Club or something like this. 我的第二个问题将是史蒂夫,和你的俱乐部,因为它是所谓的家庭啤酒俱乐部或者类似的东西这一点。
However, we understand Cesc's desire to move to his home town club and have now accepted an offer from Barcelona. 但是我们理解塞克斯想到一支家乡的球队,并且已经接受了巴塞罗那的报价。
Qin Xin home SPA Club, is a professional massage technology services, consulting, the club. 沁鑫居家SPA会所,是一家专业从事保健按摩技术服务、咨询、的会所。