In 1916, Georgia Tech(GT) beat Cumberland 222-0. No game since has been that lopsided. 1916年,佐治亚理工以222比0的比分击败坎伯兰。之后再没有出现过比分如此悬殊的比赛。
They don't have enough black people in Georgia tech? 他们在乔治亚州找不到足够的黑人?
It recently formed a partnership with AT & T, along with Georgia Tech(GT), to offer a masters degree in computer science. 最近它与AT&T和乔治亚理工大学建立了合作关系,提供计算机科学专业的硕士学位。
Texas A & M is in good company, edging out the University of Michigan and Georgia Tech(GT) for the top spot. 德克萨斯A&M是在一个很好的公司,磨边大学密歇根大学和佐治亚理工学院的头把交椅。
A new Georgia Tech(GT) Information Security Center report cites search engines, mobile phones and personal information as prime targets for hackers. 佐治亚理工学院信息安全中心一份新的报告把搜索引擎、移动电话和个人信息列为黑客攻击的首要目标。