We have a quarter share in a house in spain. 在西班牙有一所房子的四分之一产权是我们的。
The COE uses town hall style meetings once per quarter to share information about SOA initiatives and progress to the larger business and IT community. COE每个季度使用一次TownHall风格的会议,以便与更大的业务和IT社区共享关于SOA活动和进度的信息。
Guy Moszkowski, brokerage analyst at Merrill Lynch, recently reduced his forecast for Goldman Sachs ' third quarter earnings per share from $ 3.21 to $ 2.77. 美林(MerrillLynch)经纪公司分析师盖伊•莫什科夫斯基(GuyMoszkowski),最近将自己对高盛的第三季度每股收益预期从3.21美元,调低至2.77美元。
Then, mature markets accounted for about half of combined sales; in the first quarter, that share was just over a third. 成熟市场曾占两家公司总销量的一半左右;今年第一财季,这一比例仅略超过三分之一。
Its global market share was 38 per cent in the third quarter and its share of the Chinese market was " pretty much in line with that ", Mr Kallasvuo said. 康培凯表示,第三季度,诺基亚在全球市场的份额为38%,它在中国市场的份额也“基本与此一致”。