It could easily pass into speech and back again into print in a modified form. 它很容易在讲演里出现,经过修改又印了出来。
Name and address of author, title of work and number, to conform to those on the entry form, must appear on the back of each print. 参加表上作品的姓名、地址、照片之题名及序号数等应与每张照片背面所书者相同。
It might even be a good idea for some papers to cut back or even eliminate their print editions. 而且,对于有些报纸来说,不论是压缩还是彻底取消纸质报纸,数字化都是很好的主意。
The back of seal liner can print trademarks, logos by the customer-specific. 垫片背面可依客户指定印刷商标,图案等。
Such is her publishing power that Ms Rowling has been able to hold back the e-book rights while arranging print contracts with her publisher, Bloomsbury. 能够在与出版商Bloomsbury签订出版合的同时保留电子书版权,这就是罗琳在出版界的威力。