Last, but certainly not least, you can use tar to create an archive file of the file system, which can act as a backup of your source directory / file system in event of a problem. 最后一点也非常重要,您可以使用tar创建文件系统的存档文件,万一在出现问题时,该文件可以作为源目录/文件系统的备份。
The software mounts archive files as a local file system. 这个软件把存档文件挂装为本地文件系统。
Optionally, you can create the export directory structure with labels, and you can archive SDM and application specific file system content. 一种可选的做法是,创建带标签的导出目录结构,并归档特定于SDM和应用程序的文件系统内容。
Extract the portable collector archive file into a directory on the destination system. 将便携收集器存档文件解压缩到目标系统上的某个目录中。
Archive administrative regulation is significant part of the file law system. 档案行政规章是档案法律体系的有机组成部分,在规范和指导档案事业方面,起着举足轻重的作用。