OBJECTIVE : To study the synthetic method of ultra short acting β adrenergic blocking agent esmolol hydrochloride. 目的:改进超短效(SA)β?受体阻滞剂盐酸艾司洛尔的合成方法。
Rat models of cardiac arrest were established by using apnea + esmolol ( ultra short acting beta receptor blocker ). 采用窒息+艾司洛尔(超短效(SA)β受体阻滞剂)的大鼠心肺骤停模型。
The pharmacokinetics of alfentanil, a new short - acting opioid analgesic, has been studied in 14 male Chinese operation patients. 本文进行了两组不同剂量的阿芬太尼在14例手术病人中药代动力学研究。
Lidocain is a common drug for local anesthesia with the characteristics of better penetrability and osmosis, short inducement period and long acting time, but it has some virulence. 隆朋是常用的兽用麻醉药,它具有用量小、作用迅速、安全范围较大、毒性低、无蓄积作用等特点,但易引起心率减慢、呼吸抑制等。
Perhaps there will be a short trip to test the possibility of a blowout-in case the will is acting up. 当井的情况不好时,也许要进行为时较短的起下钻作业来试验井喷的可能性。