Design and Implementation of the XML-Template Print Control on. Net 基于.Net和XML模版的打印控件的设计与实现&分层与复用思想的应用
There are numerous media revolutions in the long river of history, such as from the original oracle to paper books, and from mechanical print to electronic and net technology innovations. 在历史的长河中,从最初的甲骨文到纸质书籍,从机械印刷到电子和网络的技术革新,经历了无数次的媒介革命。
All upcoming conferences and exhibitions are listed in a calendar available in print and on the Wonder Net website. 将会举办的所有会议和展览已载于未来会议日期一览表,该表已印妥备索,并载于旅游协会的“香港魅力”网页之内。
If the system is connected to real data, it will change the graphics automatically, namely, print the color of the net, analyse which part is electriferous, alert of loads. 系统可以通过数据库接口和实时数据建立连接,自动对实时数据的变化作出反应,如:网络着色、带电分析、负荷报警等功能。
This system developed print control with technology of. NET, using XML as report table description language. 本系统使用XML作为报表的描述语言,利用.NET技术编写打印控件。