Each year commercial film studios make hundreds of such prints for distribution to movie theaters. 该片由两家电影制片厂联手摄制每年电影制片厂都要制造成百上千这样的拷贝,发行到影院。
Select a dream sequence from a commercial film to present in class. 从某部已发行的影片中挑选一段梦境片段,并在课堂上展示。
I think that the problem with Asia right now the industry is sort of just starting in China as a commercial industry is that no one understands what commercial film is really about. 我觉得现在亚洲电影的问题是,没人真正了解商业电影到底是什么。中国商业电影也才刚起步。
Improvement of Pre-production Efficiency of Commercial Film(CF) Based on Virtual Reality Rehearsal System 利用虚拟仿真预演系统提高商业片(CF)的前期拍摄效率
' The Koreans are making it into a commercial film with huge investment, ' said Mr. Yu, adding that he was unaware it had started shooting. 余华说,韩国人把这个故事变成了一部投资巨大的商业电影,而且他对于电影的开机毫不知情。