Under three respectively as Nansha, Luogang-Xintang and Flora Vice City(VC). 而“三副”则分别是南沙、萝岗-新塘和花都副城区。
LANCE : I 'm sorry Tommy. This is Vice City(VC). This is business. 斯:抱歉,汤米。这里是罪恶之都,在这里赚钱至上。
The Vice City(VC) Multiplayer Team. 副市多人团队。
For the secretive or creepy type, Vice City(VC) is full of surprises, a place where you 'll constantly be surprised by the vivacious, fun-loving types who live there and the things you can discover. 对于遮遮掩掩,内向的人,罪恶都市(VC)是充满了惊喜的,在这里您将不断地受到居住在这里的人和你可以探索的事物的活泼乐趣爱意形式的惊奇。
GTA is a massive series that will no doubt get bigger and gain even more followers by building on its successful games of GTA IV, San Andreas and Vice City(VC). 自极其成功的GTA4、圣安德列斯和罪恶之城发售以来,这系列游戏无疑将会走得更远更好并迎来更多粉丝。