However, we will rely mostly on articles. A reading packet will be available. 但是我们主要会侧重于一些文章,并提供一个课外读物辑。
The server can read the header, work out how much more data is required, and keep reading until it has a complete packet. 服务器可以解读这个头,可以算出还需要多少数据,并一直解读,直到得到一个完整的包。
A mobile node can get hop counts by reading the head of IPv6 message, and get average packet receiving rate by statistical method. 移动节点通过读取消息的IPv6首部可以获得需要的跳数信息,再使用统计手段获得数据包平均接收率。
Automatic meter reading system based on embedded Linux operating system and general packet radio service 基于嵌入式Linux的通用分组无线业务自动抄表系统
Focused on the shortcomings of current automatic reading meter systems, the paper presents a new solution based on General Packet Radio Service ( GPRS ) technology. 通过介绍国内外自动抄表技术的发展及现状,对基于信息技术的电力线载波在自动抄表系统中的应用进行了阐述。