People's status as masters of the society must be respected and their legal rights protected. 尊重人民群众的主人翁地位,维护其合法权益。
The scope of the intellectual property rights protected in China and the degree of protection afforded have gradually conformed with international practices and the high degree of legal protection for intellectual property rights has been realized. 中国知识产权的保护范围和保护水平逐步同国际惯例接轨,已对知识产权实行高水平的法律保护。
If Shanghai is to achieve its ambitions, many people I spoke to said companies needed to know contracts would be enforced and rights protected. 许多我曾与之交谈的人士表示,如果上海想实现自己的抱负,企业必须知道合同会被执行,权利会得到保护。
The current academic model for copyright protection and special rights protected mode to discuss the two most intense. 目前学术界对于版权保护模式和特殊权利保护模式这两种讨论的最为激烈。
The rights protected by law, not only a statutory right outside, but also interests. 法律所保护的权益,除了法定的权利外,还有利益。