Marc / Mentat, the round hole flanging and springback, and clearance between punch and die, the radius of die, the radius of punch were analysed in 2D state in order to save the time. Marc/Mentat在二维状态下对圆孔翻边成形过程及其回弹进行了模拟分析,重点分析了模具工艺参数如凸凹模间隙、凸模圆角和凹模圆角对翻边回弹的影响,明确了它们的影响规律。
Each section curve is regarded as a spline curve, then make use of springback simulation result after unloading of the spline and some modified value such as friction, clearance, press margin power and round radius of punch to predict each section springback. 每个截面曲线看成样条曲线,由样条卸载后的回弹仿真,加上利用神经网络法预测成形中摩擦、间隙、压边力、凸模圆角半径等影响的修正量来预测每个截面的回弹。
The radius of the punch and die cutting edges is laid out to produce the desired circular shape without nicking into the circle as the work proceeds. 在工作过程中,冲头与凹模切口的半径定位,确保形成所需的圆形,而不至于在圆边产生缺口。
The springback angle increases with the increase of the punch round radius and clearances between the punch and the die while decreases with increase of the blank holder force, sheet thickness, friction coefficient and material hardening exponent. 回弹角随凸模圆角半径和凸凹模间隙的增大而增大,随压边力、板料厚度、摩擦系数和材料硬化指数的增大而减小。
These conditions include : dimension of workpiece and blank, character of material, radius of the die arc and punch, situation of lubricate and press edge, etc. 这些实验条件包括:工件及坯料尺寸、材质、模具圆角半径、润滑状况和压边情况等等。