Messages relating to quota processing, both by Microsoft Windows NT policy and the UNIX file system. 与配额处理相关的消息,同时由MicrosoftWindowsNT策略和UNIX文件系统处理。
You can mount a volume in a manner familiar from a UNIX file system directory. 您可以以一种常见的方式从UNIX文件系统目录安装卷。
The primary filesystem for Solaris is the UNIX File System ( UFS ). Solaris的主文件系统是UNIX文件系统(UFS)。
Columns ( see Resources ) have presented the find command & an invaluable utility for scanning and processing files or even the entire UNIX file system. 专栏(请参见参考资料部分)中曾多次介绍了find命令,这是一种非常有用的实用工具,可用于扫描并处理各种文件,甚至整个UNIX文件系统。
For example, if the path consists of / tmp / var1, then this routine would return /, which is the root of the UNIX file system. 例如,如果路径包含/tmp/var1,则此例程将返回/,即UNIX文件系统的根。