It also featured hydraulic valve lifters, a first for a European Ford engine. 同时,也在供应欧洲市场的福特发动机(FE)上,首次采用液压气门挺杆。
With its Ford engine, the Pantera was supposed to be easier to maintain than something with a finicky Italian engine. 有了福特的发动机,索潘特拉应当比采用难伺候的意大利发动机的车更容易维护,然而要让索潘特拉正常运转却并非易事。
Nanjing Changan Ford Mazda Engine Co., Ltd. was put into production in 2007, and its construction of logistics supply chain must keep pace with the mass production plan. 南京长安福特马自达发动机公司在2007年全面投产,为了保障这一需求,南京长安福特马自达的供应链物流建设必须同步跟进。
Ford's Electronic Engine Controls I were essentially electronic spark control systems. 福特汽车公司的第一代发动机电子控制系统实际上都是电子点火系统。
The bad news is that Ford's acclaimed EcoBoost engine that combines performance with fuel economy isn't an option. 坏消息是因兼顾性能与燃油经济性而广受好评的福特EcoBoost发动机并没有安装在这款跑车上。