Steer clear of bar attire & Don't mistake the office for your local watering hole. 远离休闲的酒吧装束&不要把办公室当成了你家附近的酒馆。
As the bar gets raised, the fitter, more experienced and better - prepared investors believe they can still " clear the bar ". 随着横杆的升高,更适合、更有经验、准备更充分的投资者相信,他们仍然能够“越过横杆”。
If you are using the right ruler, you can select or clear the left scroll bar check box. 如果正在使用右侧标尺,可以选中或清除“左侧滚动条”复选框。
Clear it, give yourself a happiness bar, not to Sticking to the past. 清醒吧,给自己一份幸福吧,不要再留恋过去。
Clear the list of sites on the location bar 清除地址栏中网站的列表