Behind those pouting poses, cheeky grins, and GIRL Power salutes, there was a programme of cynical media manipulation and calculating exploitation. 在那些噘嘴绷脸的姿势、冒失的咧嘴大笑以及对“女孩威力”的敬意背后,是玩世不恭的媒体操纵和处心积虑的利用。
The Destiny's Child has shown the world the real meaning of girl power with, their natural charm, talent, charisma and, most important, confidence. 真命天女以她们天然的魅力、才干、风采、尤其是自信,向世人展示了女人的魅力的真实含义。
But this Girl Power(GP) explanation for the split fails to mention that, rather like professional footballers, they were sold by one management to another, for a sum that neither side will disclose. 但在该“女孩威力”就这次分手的解释中只字未提她们像职业足球运动员一般,被一家管理公司以一笔双方都不愿披露的金额转让给了另一家管理公司。
It means girl power rules in the rural community, with women in charge of every aspect of life - from farming to town planning and even religion. 这意味着这个镇子的方方面面完全是女性在掌权:从农耕到城市规划,甚至还包括宗教信仰。居住在这里的女性们都认为这样反而更好。
Miley Cyrus shows true girl power with earthly eating habits ( she's a vegetarian ). Hopefully she 'll take it a step further by making sure her new clothing line is eco-friendly. 麦莉以自然的饮食习惯显示出她在女孩中的影响力,希望她能再接再厉,在她的新款时装发布会上也能采用更加环保的材料~