IBM offers a new programming language, Enterprise Generation Language(GL) ( EGL ), and an IDE for this language that is easy to use by application developers and supports SOA programming. IBM提供了一种新的编程语言,即企业生成语言(GL)(EnterpriseGenerationLanguage,EGL),并针对此语言提供了一个非常便于应用程序开发人员使用且支持SOA编程的IDE。
Enterprise Generation Language(GL) ( EGL ) is a modern programming language specifically designed to help the business oriented developer leverage all the benefits of the Java platform while avoiding learning all of its details and focusing on the business application domain. EnterpriseGenerationLanguage(EGL)是一个现代化的编程语言,它是专门设计用于帮助面向业务的开发人员获得Java平台的所有好处,同时避免学习所有的细节,并着重于业务应用领域。
Teams that currently use or have used a Fourth Generation Language(GL) ( 4GL ) may be interested in EGL for a number of reasons. 出于以下的原因,正在使用或者使用过第四代语言(4GL)的团队也会对EGL感兴趣。
Code development in C + +, the Java ™ / J2EE ™ platform, and Enterprise Generation Language(GL) ( EGL ) 在C++下的代码开发,Java/J2EE平台,和企业生成语言(GL)(EGL)
NATURAL, one of the fourth generation language application developing environment, is introduced in this paper. 本文概要地介绍了第四代语言应用开发环境&NATURAL。