We could even have affirmative action for the ugly. 我们甚至可以向丑陋人群实行平权法案。
They oppose affirmative action programs and stronger hate crime laws. 他们反对积极的行动纲领以及更有力的惩治攻击性犯罪法。
Voters in Michigan responded by approving a2006 ballot measure that banned affirmative action. 对此,密歇根州的选民以赞成一个2006年的取缔平权措施的法案做为回应。
Last month, the church floated the idea that affirmative action could be used to ordain underrepresented female bishops. 上月,教会提出了一个观点,即可以采取积极行动,任命未被充分代表的女性为主教。
Phelps Dodge is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action(AA) Employer. 菲尔普斯道奇&一位机会均等、极行动的雇主。