According to the actual demand for the application, the intelligent network system is divided into four different functional parts, which are the environment maintenance subsystem, the security management subsystem, the information appliance subsystem and the automatic reading meter subsystem. 本文根据实际应用将智能楼宇网络系统划分为四个功能体系,包括:环境维护子系统,安全维护子系统,信息家电子系统以及自动抄表子系统,并具体研究了各子系统功能结构。
The paper introduces the concept of Virtual Private Network with its implementing, and explains how VPN provides a security service platform for E-Commerce. Finally it presents the VPN solution by Internet Appliance Company. 介绍了虚拟专用网络的概念组成和技术实现,以及VPN技术如何为电子商务提供服务,最后介绍网际先进公司的VPN解决方案。