New forms of training for the topics attack, check and defense with high-score rating. 新形式的攻击训练课题,进行核对,并与国防部高级分。
There are necklaces with high attack power, rings with armor and defense, trinkets with mana regeneration, socketed gems with crit rating. 既有高AP的项链,也有增加护甲的戒指和回蓝饰品,镶嵌的宝石还会增加爆击。
The high-precision task capacity of a modern attack helicopter is ever-increasingly recognized and admired, which is testified by the fact that our nation develops the corresponding quality requirement about the flight maneuverability as a formal rating base. 现代武装直升机执行高精度攻击任务的能力日益受到推崇和重视,我国也发展相应的飞行品质规范对直升机机动性提供定性和定量的评述依据。