Such layers run into one another and create a rainbow of pastels that are most magnificent that now extend from Earth to all sectors of your Universe which includes the6 Pleiadian star systems. 这类层面逐层排列,创造出一条极其宏大美丽的水彩色彩虹。它现在正从地球向外延伸到你们银河系的所有部分,包括昴宿星的6个恒星系。
These three characteristics will combine and reflect one another to form a bright rainbow expressing God and testifying for Him. 这三种特征要相联相映,形成一道光辉的彩虹,彰显神,并为神作见证。
In a rainbow, the colours pass into one another. the gradations of color in the rainbow 虹的色彩互相变来变去。彩虹颜色的逐渐变化