The Project Management Institute(PMI) ( PMI ) defines project / program management as the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. ProjectManagementInstitute(PMI)把项目/程序管理定义为对项目活动应用知识、技能、工具和技术,从而满足项目需求。
Basic tools and concepts defined by the Project Management Institute(PMI)? plus other generally accepted practices for project excellence are introduced. 引进了关于卓越项目的基本工具和概念,这些是由项目管理协会和其他普遍认可的机构认定的。
The project management institute provides seminars, educational programs, and professional certification that more and more organizations desire for their project leaders. 项目管理协会提供研讨会、教育计划和职业认证,越来越多的组织希望项目领导人由此认证。
The Project Management Institute(PMI) ( PMI ) was formed in the late1960s and is one of the world's leading bodies in the area of the project management. 项目管理协会(ProjectManagementInstitute,PMI)建立于二十世纪六十年代末,并且是项目管理领域中的世界领导组织。
Professionals with project management skills are on the leadership track, and earning the CAPM from Project Management Institute(PMI) ( PMI ) is one of the best ways to advance your career. 掌握项目管理技巧的专业人士正一步步攀向领导层,从美国项目管理协会(PMI)获取CAPM是推进职业进程最好的途径之一。