Towards more effective emergency contraception? 如何更有效的处理紧急避孕(EC)?
However, the findings also show that convenience of access influences whether emergency contraception was used promptly. 然而,调查结果同时发现,获取紧急避孕(EC)药的便利程度决定了该药服用的及时性。
Study on the acceptability for the knowledge of emergency contraception in unwilling pregnant women 非意愿妊娠妇女紧急避孕(EC)知识的可接受性研究
Objective To investigate the clinical effectiveness of levonorgestrel ( LNG ) for emergency contraception. 目的验证左炔诺孕酮片(诺爽)用于紧急避孕(EC)的临床效果。
Investigation on Knowledge of Emergency Contraception(EC) among Women Seeking Induced Abortion 人工流产妇女紧急避孕(EC)知识及其影响因素