It could extract information from register-transfer level designs by static analysis technology, and check errors effectively and automatically. And it can help users to improve the quality of the hardware design and the efficiency of the design validation. 该方法通过对RTL设计的源代码进行静态分析,能够有效的实现待检测错误的自动查找,可以帮助用户改进硬件设计的质量,提高设计验证的效率。
The high-level synthesis of digital system, which transform an abstract behavioral representation of digital system into a structural description of Register-transfer level under some constraints, has been shown to be a practical and efficient means of digital system design. 数字系统高层次综合是指从抽象的行为特性描述到寄存器传输级结构描述的转换。它是一种实用的、有效的数字系统设计方法。
Rule Based Register-Transfer Level(RTL) ALU Mapping Algorithm 基于规则的寄存器传输级ALU工艺映射算法的研究
An Algorithm for Multi & level Logic Simulation Mixed at the Register-Transfer, Functional and Gate Level 一种寄存器级与门级和功能级混合的模拟方法