Protocol-independent multicast sparse mode ( PIM-SM ) is one of the most widely used multicast routing protocols. 协议无关组播-稀疏模式(SM)是目前应用最广泛的组播路由协议之一。
Existing intra-group forwarding state reduction approaches for sparse mode multicast, which aim to remove forwarding states at non-branching routers, are analyzed, and some problems appearing in these schemes are presented. 分析了已有的用于稀疏模式(SM)组播的转发状态组内压缩方案存在的问题,提出了一个新的压缩方案。
A multicast forwarding state reduction scheme based on interface format for sparse mode multicast, which aims to minimize storage requirement of multicast forwarding state, is proposed. 提出基于接口格式的组播转发状态压缩方案。