Task Scheduling in Distributed System Based on Dynamic Multi Processing(MP) Nodes 基于动态多处理(MP)节点的分布式系统任务调度
Taking the advantage of the supporting symmetric multi processing, the scheme makes it possible to load many application processes without quantitative limits, makes full use of the processing power of the multi processor platform, and improves the reliability and maintenance of a system. 该方案支持对称多处理(MP),可任意加载多份应用进程,充分利用了多处理(MP)器平台的处理能力,并可大大提高系统的可靠性和可维护性。
In this paper, we examine the schemes for multi processing gain multi rate transmission in the forward link of DS CDMA systems. 本文研究了DS-CDMA前向链路的可变处理增益多速率传输问题。
Multi rate Scheme of CDMA Systems on Multi Processing(MP) Gain 基于变处理增益的CDMA多速率方案
Automatic registration is an important technique of remote sensing multi image processing. 自动配准是处理遥感多图象数据的重要技术。