Most of the handoffs are triggered by decreasing RSSI or the network quality of services, this reactive trigger will cause long handoff latency and poor quality of services. 当前大多切换都是以RSSI下降、网络服务质量下降等作为触发指标,这是一种被动的切换触发,往往带来较大的切换时延和服务质量的下降。
The article analyzes the characters of Logistics Information System, and builds a reactive logistics agent mod-el based on Event Trigger Mechanism. 文章通过对物流信息系统特点的分析,提出了基于事件触发机制的反应式物流主体设计方法。
The reason, they suggest, is that the reactive oxygen compounds, inevitable byproducts of exercise, are a natural trigger for both of these responses. 他们推断原因是活性氧化合物(运动中不可避免的副产品),是上述两种反应的触发器。
It is demonstrated recently that auto reactive T cells identify myelin as special antigen, cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger the disease. 目前认为是髓鞘糖蛋白(MOG)作为自身抗原被自身反应性T细胞识别,这些自身反应的T细胞通过血脑屏障迁移到中枢系统,诱导炎症的发生。
The reactive power compensation adjuster is introduced which could fleetly switch and control the filtering compensation slip. The SCR trigger drive circuit is introduced which could work with the control orders of the controller to achieve rapid, accurate filter compensation. 本文还介绍了可对滤波补偿支路进行快速通断控制的无功功率调节器,及其晶闸管触发驱动电路,该电路配合控制器的控制指令,能实现快速,准确的滤波补偿。