SL's professional services organization helps ensure that our customers get maximum value and return from SL solutions. SL的专业服务组织有助于确保我们的客户获得最大的价值和回报SL的解决办法。
They argue that Independent Software Vendors ( ISVs ) often evolved from deployments handled by their professional services organization based on specific requirements of their customers to 他们辩解说,独立软件提供商(ISV)常常从基于客户特定需求由他们的专业服务组织来处理的部署进化到
This is in line with the ASEAN Secretarial program for the liberalization of professional services within ASEAN to prepare for globalization under the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) initiative. 这是符合东盟秘书项目自由化的专业服务,东盟内部的准备全球化下的世界贸易组织(WTO)的倡议。
If you're a company that provides professional services, does it make sense to help your customers become more educated in the skills and abilities your organization provides? 甘当客户的老师,让他们了解有关产品及服务的专业知识、市场行情&不仅不会将客户拱手让人,反而有助于增进客户的忠诚度,建立起更为稳固的客户关系。