Truth has no expiration date. it's always there. 真相没有截止期,它总是在那儿。
There is no expiration date on any of our homeopathic products, except for our Hyland's Vitamin C. 我们公司的任何一款顺势疗法的产品上都不标有保质期,除了Hyland's的维生素C小片之外。
This agreement will be prolong one year automatically if both parties has no objection two months before the expiration date. 如果在此协议失效前的两个月前双方均没有提出异议,此协议将自动延长一年。
In case no report has been made after the expiration of the date line, the appointment is made by the competent authority. 逾期不为具报者,由主管机关代为指定之。
No prosecution for an offence under this Ordinance shall be brought after the expiration of3 years from the date of commission of the offence; orthe expiration of1 year from the date of discovery of the offence by the prosecutor whichever is the earlier. 关于本条例所指罪行之起诉,不得于下列期间之后提出,两者中以较先期满者为准:违犯之日起三年期满后;或检察官发现该罪项之日起一年期满后。