SI is still full logical omniscient, after all they actually to some extent control the logical omniscience. SI仍有完全逻辑全能,但是在一定程度上实现了对逻辑全能的控制。
Logical Omniscience(LO) Problem in Epistemic Logics and the Methods to Resolve It 认知逻辑中逻辑全知问题及其解决方法
Because the paradox of logical omniscience shows that the epistemic world is different from the logical possible world, the URN model is therefore needed for us to describe the logical characteristics of the epistemic world. 但是逻辑全能悖论说明认知世界不同于逻辑可能世界,为描述其逻辑特征我们需要瓮模型。
BDI Semantic of Avoiding Logical Omniscience(LO) Problem 避免逻辑全知的BDI语义
Two Blind Spots in Recent Logic-Based Agent Study Inferred from the Declaration of Logical Omniscience(LO) Problem 从逻辑全知问题认定看当前基于逻辑的agent研究的两个认识盲点