Cross sections of both single and double photon are calculated in leading order QCD corrections. 在QCD领头级近似之下计算了单、双光子的产生截面。
By using the light cone sum rules, we calculate the D → K1 ( including the spin triplet K1 A and the spin singlet K1B ) transition form factors at the leading order of 1 / mQ. 我们首先利用光锥求和规则,在重夸克展开的领头阶计算了D→K1(包括自旋三重态的K1A和自旋单态的K1B)的跃迁形状因子。
By evaluating the trace of the fixed eigenfunctions and expanding to the leading order in 1 / D expansion, we have obtained the heavy quark potential. 对该本征解求迹,在闵氏空间按1/D展开到领头项,用鞍点法算出了D→∞时的静态夸克势。
A higher order asymptotic analysis for orthotropic plates was presented with the leading order interior solutions reduced to the well known Kirchhoff plate theory; 提出正交异性板的三维高阶渐近分析,其内部区域各阶渐近解为各级精度的二维板理论解,首项与著名的Kirchhoff板理论一致;
While in the high acceleration ( high temperature ) limit, the energy level shifts of an accelerated atom display completely different behav-iors, even in the leading order, from those of a static atom in a thermal bath at the Unruh temperature in all three distance regimes. 高加速极限(高温极限)时,加速原子和Unruh温度热库中原子的能级移动修正在各种距离的情形中均表现完全不一致。