If we are not responsive to beauty, we will miss a lot in life. 如果我们对美无动于衷,我们就会在生命中有好多缺憾。
Domino is still running, but is not responsive to clients. Domino仍在运行,但是不响应客户机。
This downturn will continue to deteriorate, be extremely protracted, extremely deep and not responsive to traditional economic stimulus. 这个下降趋势会恶化和持续非常长久的时间,会衰退得非常深,而且无力回应通常的经济刺激手段。
The agent is not responsive to antibiotics and it may be indistinguishable from acute bacterial bronchitis or bronchiolitis in children and infants. 本病用抗生素无效。在婴儿及儿童患者,与急性细菌性支气管炎或细支气管炎不易区别。
These patients are insulin-resistant, meaning that their cells are not responsive to insulin which normally helps glucose get out of the bloodstream, where it does damage, and into cells. 胰岛素能促进血中葡萄糖进入细胞内利用,有胰岛素抵抗的患者,就意味着他体内的细胞对胰岛素的反应不再敏感。