The antenna coordinate of GPS tracing station is GPS's datum. It is very important to determine the antenna offset relative to the GPS fiducial point. GPS跟踪站的天线位置数据是全球GPS的基准,精确测定GPS天线到基点的偏移量极为重要。
The rover station can fulfill JOB, stake-out and receive, calculation and logging, logging under LRK model, offset solution and logging, distance solution, coordination system definition, elevation calculation. 流动站具有JOB、放样与接收圈、计算和记录、LRK模式下的记录、偏移的解算和记录、计算距离、定义坐标系统和高程计算的功能。
Because the systematic errors due to frequency offset of satellite beacon and / or station receiver are included in Doppler data, the key problem of orbit improvement is how to estimate the frequency offset for every passing. 利用多普勒资料进行轨道改进,将遇到卫星信标机和测站接收机的频偏带来的系统差,如何估计各站圈的频偏,是决定定轨精度的一个关键问题。