Remove (): Delete the given entity from the database. remove():从数据库删除指定的实体。
As with the starting of AutoCAD, the system can write and read the document, it also can make, delete and modify the line entity interactively. 最终完成的软件是一个具备初步的CAD软件结构、用户接口和操作方式的CAD系统,此软件随AutoCAD的启动自动运行,能够实现读写文件和交互式创建、删除和修改直线实体等功能。
This query tests that every stored procedure is prefixed with " usp_ " followed by " Insert "," Update "," Delete ", or " Select ", followed by at least one entity name. 此查询测试每个存储过程是否以“usp”开头,后跟“Insert”、“Update”、“Delete”或“Select”,然后跟至少一个实体名称。