Oracle Enterprise Manager help companies oversee configuration changes and enforce standardized policies within Oracle and Microsoft environments simultaneously. OracleEnterpriseManager帮助企业监督配置改变,并能同时在Oracle和Microsoft环境里强制执行标准化的管理策略。
Comprehending the systematic frame of Oracle database will help us develop business operation systems which are based on database. 理解ORACLE数据的体系框架有助于我们开展基于数据库的业务系统。作为对象关系型数据库的杰出代表,Oracle无疑是最具实力的。
The timely release of From Oracle Bones to E-Publications will help readers come to grips with China's publishing history and its current state. 总之,读者可以通过这本书了解到中国印刷的发展史和中国印刷业的现状。
By acquiring Sun, Oracle will be well positioned to help customers solve the most complex technology problems related to running a business. 通过收购Sun,Oracle将以最佳的位置帮助客户解决最复杂的关于业务运行的技术问题。
To improve the performance of Oracle databases, you need to analyze Oracle wait events for clues that can help identify bottlenecks and tune the database settings. 要提高Oracle数据库的性能,需要分析Oracle等待事件,发掘可帮助识别瓶颈和调优数据库设置的线索。