I would, but you might decide the metal bracelet around her wrist is sufficient. 我个人对此是认可的,但你可能会觉得在孩子的手腕上带一个金属手镯(MB)就足够了。
Metal bracelet of watches commonly made of stainless steel, titanium alloy and other materials. 手表金属表链常用不锈钢,甚至钛合金等材料制成。
The charm is attached to a cord using a metal ring and cylinder and is included with the sets as a separate accessory that children can attach to the toy bracelet. 其中的坠饰通过金属圈和搭扣连接在链子上,作为玩具中的独立配件,儿童可以把它放在玩具手链上。