In fact, the essence of their action was to express their active spirit of entering the society under the influence of Confucianism. 建安诗人表面上描写游侠,歌唱游侠,其精神实质则是借这一特殊形象表达他们在儒家思想影响下的慷慨入世之情。
The action was taken on his express order. 那回是按照他的明确指令采取行动的。
Men are very action motivated, they don't express their feelings verbally. 男生的行动力都很强,他们不会用语言表达情感。
In late August the school's principal informed police that rice and wheat had disappeared but no action was taken, the Sunday Express said. 印度报纸《周日快讯》指出,八月底,失窃学校的校长向警方报案说,该校的米和小麦被盗,但警方一直未采取调查行动。
A major mechnism of those factors playing action is that cancer relative genes express unconventionally. 内外因素作用的一个重要途径,就是使肿瘤相关基因异常表达。