Other error sources have the corresponding correction models, in which the ionosphere delay error on the single-frequency single point positioning accuracy is the maximum, it should be carried out in-depth study. 其他误差源均可以采用相应的改正模型对其进行改正,其中电离层误差对单频单点定位的精度影响最大,应对其进行深入研究。
The second-order ionospheric effect can be corrected and the positing accuracy can be increased through these models. At the same time, these models supply the strong support in other GPS techniques such as separating error sources in GPS, cycle slip detection and etc. 该模型将电离层折射误差模型改正至二阶项,可进一步提高GPS定位精度,同时,为GPS定位中其他误差的改正及分离、周跳的探测等提供了有力的技术手段。
In the same way as other ranging methods, PN code ranging is also affected by various error sources. 同样,与其他测距方法一样,伪码测距方法亦会受到各种误差源的影响而产生测距误差。