A verification email is sent to you upon registration. 一封确认邮件在你注册后(UR)会发去你的邮箱里。
In order to get paid on time, make sure you provide a valid mailing address upon registration. 为了要准时拿支付,确定你在登记之后提供一个有效的邮寄住址。
Successful applicants will be notified within four to six weeks upon registration. 成功登记的客户,将于登记后四至六星期内由专人通知。
The licence or approval would enable the applicant to start the commercial operations upon registration of the company with SAIC for fiscal and other similar administrative purposes. 许可或批准将可使申请人在为财政和其他类似行政管理目的而向国家工商行政管理局进行公司注册后(UR)即可开始其商业经营。
Please note that this is a no-refund event upon registration. 报名之后一律不予退款,请见谅。