The left motor connects to port C and the right to port B.You can specify whether to move the wheels forward or backward by selecting the correct direction below the port selection. 左侧的发动机与C端口相连接,而右侧的发动机与B端口相连接。您能够通过在端口选择项中选中正确的方向,指定轮子的移动方向是向前还是向后。
Analysis of Right and Left Motor(LM) Imagery Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition 基于EMD的左右手运动想象脑电信号分析研究
In brain scans, increases in verbal IQ were accompanied by an increase in grey matter in the part of the brain which is activated when you articulate speech, called the left motor cortex. 通过脑部扫描图可以看出,言语智商的增加伴随着大脑左半球运动皮层灰质的增多,这一区域在人们发声讲话时就会活跃起来。
The left motor area activation intensity is reduced with normal right finger movement. 右手经常活动会使左脑的功能区域活动强度变弱。
Move pedal adjustment plate 3 to the right or left until motor control lever 1 is leveled and link rod 2 is vertically positioned. 请左右移动踏板调节板3,让马达控制杆1和连接杆2呈一直线状态。