The UK-based mobile phone retailer Carphone warehouse is still smarting from the consumer bad-mouthing prompted by its failure to handle inquiries about its now-notorious " free broadband forever " offer last year. 由于未能处理好对其去年提出、如今已臭名昭著的“宽带永远免费”服务的质询,英国手机零售商carphonewarehouse迄今受到消费者口诛笔伐的折磨。
For example, the broadband technology will change forever the way we enjoy entertainment, as the rapid development in wireless technologies has already changed our personal and work habits. 而是多种现象的集合,例如,宽带技术将永远改变我们的娱乐方式,正如无线技术的迅猛发展,已经改变了我们的个人习惯和工作习惯一样。