On Systematic Examination of Altering Duplicated Documentation Partly 试析局部变造复印文件的系统检验
The paper concluded the following two experience after conducting systematic examination to an partly altering duplicated documentation : first, the technical staff have to improve their skill to meet the demand of new situation and get fair identification to the suspected documentation; 本文通过对一起局部变造复印文件的系统检验,得出两点体会,一是文检技术人员要提高自身的专业素质,不断适应新形势的要求,对可疑文件做出客观公正的鉴别;
This examination should be documented in the batch production records, the facility log, or other documentation system. 该检查应当记录在批生产记录、设备使用记录或其它文件系统中。
This article offers an analytical examination into the effect of aerobics exercise on middle-aged and old Womens physiology and psychology by documentation and comparison. 通过文献资料法和对比分析法,分析有氧健身操对中老年女性生理、心理等方面的影响。