The joystick data sampling module samples the information of joystick direction and sends it to flight control module. 操纵杆数据采集模块负责采集操纵杆的方向信息,并将该信息发送给飞行控制模块。
The flight simulation module simulated the signal and time sequence between missile flight and plane. 模拟挂飞模块模拟导弹挂飞时与载机间交联的信号及其时序。
First, using modular design idea, build a quad-rotor experimental platform, including flight control module, motor driven module, navigation module. 首先,基于模块化设计思想,设计了包括飞行控制模块、电机驱动模块、导航模块在内的四旋翼直升机硬件系统,搭建了四旋翼直升机实验平台。
The system is divided into three modules according to different functions, joystick data sampling module, flight control module, servo drive module. 按功能模块区分将飞艇控制系统划分为三个模块:操纵杆数据采集模块、飞行控制模块、舵机驱动模块。
The flight control module receives this information, translates into the corresponding sendout of the servo and sends the sendout to the servo drive module. 飞行控制模块负责解析接收到的操纵杆信息,并将方向信息转化为尾翼舵机对应的输出量,最后将该输出量发送给舵机驱动模块。