With her love for the theater came the desire to adorn herself with costume jewelry. 随着她对剧场的爱好又产生了用服饰珠宝打扮自己的要求。
They claimed a couple pieces of costume jewelry and a clown suit. 他们置办一些人造珠宝和道具。
Can I buy costume jewelry at this shop? 可以在这家商店买到订做的珠宝吗?
She wanted her daughters and their husbands to share what little monetary wealth she left & the proceeds of her small insurance policy, an antique cameo, a few bracelets, some costume jewelry and her wedding band. 她要让她的两个女儿和她们的丈夫分享她遗留下来的一点点财物一小笔保险单实收款项,一个多彩浮雕宝石古董,几只手镯,一些人造珠宝饰物和她的结婚戒。
The market, a maze of tiny shops in dilapidated buildings with crumbling brick facades, sells toys, hardware, costume jewelry, cosmetics, home appliances and hosiery. 这个市场销售玩具、五金、服装首饰(CJ)、化妆品、家电和针织品。破旧的、有如迷宫般的建筑里面经营着一家家小店,这些建筑的砖体外斑驳残破。