Apache Velocity : A template processor that can be used for more flexible and complex Java source-code generation. ApacheVelocity:该模板处理程序可以实现更灵活和更复杂的Java源代码生成。
The result is complex Java code with no real business benefit. 最终结果是生成了没有实际业务效益的复杂Java代码。
If you want to write complex Java code in your rules file, you can. 如果想要在规则文件中编写复杂的Java代码,也可以。
For a complex Java production system, you probably want to use a pre-existing, full-blown ORM system, such as Hibernate or Castor. 对于一个复杂的Java生产系统,可能需要使用一个预先存在的成熟的ORM系统,例如Hibernate或Castor。
Writing Scripts in plain English is simple when compared to writing complex Java code in RFT. 与用RFT书写复杂的Java代码相比,用简明英语书写脚本。